Federal Tax ID EIN

  • slide 2
    All businesses need an EIN except sole owners that are not independent contractors.
  • slide 1
    A DBA (Doing Business As) is required if using a trade name.
  • slide 3
    Wholesalers, Retailers or buyers of wholesale items need this.

Business License and EIN

A business license is a Business Tax Registration Required By All Businesses. An EIN is a Business Tax ID that all businesses need.

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Seller's Permit

In addition to a DBA (Doing Business As) (Assumed Business Name) registration, you will need a Seller's Permit if you sell merchandise or want to buy wholesale

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California Incorporation

A DBA (Doing Business As) (Fictitious Firm Name Certificate) registration is required for partnerships and users of a trade name. Instead of a DBA (Doing Business As) , you can form an LLC, or Corporation.

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LLC or Corporation?

It is recommended that you file an LLC or Incorporate your business instead of a DBA (Doing Business As) . An LLC or Corp will register your business name.

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DBA (Doing Business As)

DBA (Doing Business As)

Using a trade name requires a DBA (Doing Business As) filing.


Business License

All businesses must obtain an occupational business license.

Sellers Permit

Seller's Permit

Retailers and Wholesalers must obtain a seller's permit.



Almost all businesses must obtain an Employer ID Number.

How to Select Your Licenses and Tax IDs


Select Structure

There are four legal business structures: You must choose one of these: sole proprietor, a gen. or limited partnership, a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or a Corporation.


File a Certificate

Limited Liability Company Corporation must get a state LLC / corporate certificate. Sole Proprietors/Partners must File a DBA (Doing Business As) , Nonprofits must form a non profit corporation.


Get License & EIN

In addition to a corp, LLC, or DBA (Doing Business As) , you will need to obtain an EIN and a business license. If you will hire, you will also need a state EIN.


LLC or Corporation?

It is recommended that you file an LLC or Incorporate your business instead of a DBA (Doing Business As) . An LLC or Corp will register your business name

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All businesses need a business license and an EIN, users of a trade name need a DBA (Doing Business As) , wholesalers and retailers need a seller's permit. Instead of filing a DBA (Doing Business As) , you can form an LLC or Incorporate. Employers need a state employer tax identification number.

Obtain any one or all of these here. Most filings take 1-3 days.

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Client's Testimonials

Cloudia D.
N.Y., N.Y.
This is the second sevice I received from CaliforniaIncorporation.usand I must say the response and SPEED of action is amazing!
Orange County, CA.
Thanks for helping entrepreneurs and myself register my business and enter the small business community.
Houston, TX.
Thanks for all the advice. You site is easy to understand. I was confused visiting all government sites to find out what I needed.