you are planning to start a business
don't forget business regulations....
Most small
business advisors recommend that you at least file a
name, a Business License or Permit and Get a federal tax
If you already decided
on the type of service or product to sell, you are ready to
start your business. The next thing you need is to choose a
legal business entity:
advantages and disadvantages of
partnership and
However, if you are ready to operate
your business,
just go ahead and
First, file a
Business Fictitious Trade Name or Incorporate
Your Business: If you do business in a
Business Fictitious Trade Name (e.g.,
Carpet Express)
other than your personal name
(e.g., John Smith),
you are required to
register and
publish a
Business Fictitious Trade Name ,
Benefits: You need a business
name statement certificate or a
corporation certificate so you can
open a merchant or business bank account,
discourage competitors from
using your business
name, and enforce contracts you entered into
under the Business Fictitious Trade Name .
in California (CA) , you need a
State Tax Id Number: EIN Employer ID,
if you have employee (s).
So, if you don't have employees, you
don't need one. Note: you must
have a federal Tax Id Number before you can
Get a state Tax Id Number.
Resale License:
same as a
Wholesaler's or Retailer's Buyer's License, Sales Tax Certification,
Wholesale License -- you need
a Wholesale License if you buy or sell
wholesale or you sell retail - you don't
pay taxes when buying wholesale.
Example, you sell computers or clothing
online in California (CA) .. you need a
Wholesale License to buy wholesale tax
free. When you sell, you charge
taxes (collect taxes) to pay to
government later.
Business License or Permit :
All businesses
need a Business License or Permit . This is the
same as business tax registration and it
is not the same as a business
name. Note: you need a
Business Fictitious Trade Name to open a bank
acount - not a
a Table of Required Documents